The Adventures of Soonerguy


EPISODE 1: The Case of the Abandoned Cheese Mine

After a quiet summer of well-deserved rest, Soonerguy, that staunch stalwart of justice, is summoned from his secret sanctuary, secluded somewhere surreptitiously on the meticulously manicured campus of the University of Oklahoma. 

The horrific honk of the Sooner distress signal has been sent via the Emergency Sooner Alert System installed on the Sooner Super Computer in Soonerguy’s inner sanctum:

An abandoned Swiss and Cheddar mine has collapsed, trapping unsuspecting Sooner fans inside!

Were they out for a leisurely stroll through the derelict den? 

Were they seeking adventure in all the wrong places? 

Were they overcome by a hunger for some tangy comestibles and were seduced by the surviving scent of the cheesy aroma?

Did they hanker for a hunka, a slab a slice, a chunka, hanker for a hunka cheese? Dairy try and help?  

Regardless of their intentions, Soonerguy, never one to shirk his responsibilities as a defender of the Sooner Nation, arrives with characteristic speed and resolve.

“Never fear, Sooner citizens!” he calls out in encouragement, “I’ll get you out before you can say ‘Southeastern Conference Realignment’!”

Little did our hero suspect, there were no endangered Sooners below the tumbled curds before him. 

Instead, skulking behind the faux football fans sculpted from mozzarella and dressed in crimson and cream, the dastardly Dr. Dirt Digger lay in wait.

“You’ll be pushing up daisies before the end of the day, Soonerguy! Muahahaha!” 


Suddenly, the floor plunges from beneath our hero and he falls, trapped within a hole in the Swiss around him.  Curses!  When did the Swiss become the enemy?

Will Soonerguy realize the villain’s ruse before it’s too late? 

What nefarious plan does the blind burrower have in mind for our intrepid hero? 

Find out in the next installment of the Adventures of Soonerguy entitled:

Mine All Mine or A Hole in the Ground is Worth Two in the Head!

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