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The Adventures of Soonerguy


Episode 8
Halloween Treat: A Wind in Need is Not a Friend Indeed

Last we saw Soonerguy, our intrepid hero was, was… give me a sec.  I really can’t remember, hang on while I look it up…  (I hate bye weeks).  Oh, yeah… 

Last we saw Soonerguy, our intrepid hero was facing a naked bird.  Fearsome fowl, indeed!

The Crimson Crusader had finally given up on the Jaybird’s return and retreated to the Sooner Cave, deep within Sooner Country, to contemplate his next step, his wardrobe choices, life, the universe and everything. Standing at his Sooner Chemistry Set (only $99.99 at the Campus Corner Store across the street), he mixes two volatile liquids together.  The red liquid quickly changes colors.  First purple.  Then green.  Then Orange!

After detailed calculations, he intensely studies the test tube in his hand, his goggles fogging, he frowns doubtfully at the observed result.

“43!? That doesn’t seem right,” he mumbles, wiping the red slime that has formed on his right hand on his white lab coat.

Thump! Thump!

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