Norman, Oklahoma USA


Michael C. - page 2

Michael C. has 11 articles published.

It’s a New Dawn, baby!


SOUTH TEXAS — DEEP IN ENEMY TERRITORY — Ah, Gracie, no one of ever knew you could predict the future, but here we have it Sooner fans from the sexy Queen of ROCK ‘N Roll 60s style:
It’s a NEW DAWN, baby!

Chafing at the bit, the juices flowing, endorphins pumping through every true Sooner’s bloodstream like the raging waters of Niagara Falls.

Less than 30 days before kickoff.

The Big Brent V, mister no-nonsense, at the helm of the Sooner Nation and its beloved football team.

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Mad Dog: Our guy is back and we are happy


The pain was real but turned out to be fleeting. Lincoln Riley took the money and ran.

OK by me. The University of Oklahoma doesn’t need a fraidy cat on the sidelines.

I’m fine with Riley’s midnight run because Joe Castiglione pulled another one of his Harry Houdini magic tricks and landed what well could be a savior for OU’s vaunted and legendary football program.

Ladies and Gentleman, Brent Venables is back in town – and we again have hope that Sooner Magic is, indeed, intact and will return starting next September.

Everyone knows we’ve been here before.

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The time of his life arrives for Riley


Bedlam week and the day after brought two heartbreaks for our beloved Sooner football team and all of we die-hard fans.

First, a national championship-caliber contender Oklahoma State bested our guys in Crimson and Cream on the field last Saturday night in a hard-fought, highly competitive game where the Sooner squad barely came out on the short end of the stick.

Less than 24 hours later, OU Head Coach Lincoln Riley suddenly and unexpectedly abandoned the Sooner team and nation, sneaking away in the dead of night along with several of his assistants for the sun and sand of Los Angeles… 

To become the head coach of the wine-and-rose-colored University of Southern California Trojans – a team that has been about a significant over the last 15 or 20 years in the world of big-time college football as a pimple on a gnat’s back.

Upset? Mad? Frothing at the mouth? OU’s fans are. It all made me wonder when the last public hanging in Oklahoma took place.

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